Hello Again,

I hope you all had a good week!  I know I did –  I know it has been a few weeks since my last post, but our trip is almost here and I had to prepare the house and suitcases for 4 months, so the update of the bedroom took the back burner.  I will be spending 4 months in Italy- travelling around and enjoying the “Dolce Vita”, I am planning to blog about the trip and the places that I am able to see… please come back and read…

To finish for now the bedroom update here is what I’ve been able to achieve up to now.   The rental on the pieces from my last staging job is over, so I was able to pick  them up .  Now, I can start placing back the pieces that were lent from my bedroom  for that job.

The mirror table, chair and table lamp – this is my corner !  I seat here to read before going to bed,  or early in the morning when reading the news on my IPad…. It is still missing a picture over it…. I have a few ideas  for it….  Let me know what you think about it….  Idea# 1:    A few years back when I went back home my mom showed me “my box”  – “my box” contains pictures, baby teeth, report cards, paintings etc…. I couldn’t believe that after ALL those years ( trust me it is a lot of years), she would still have them.    Well, there it  was this beautiful white (yellowish now, due to  time) dress.  I asked her if I could have it and she gave it to me.   It has been seating on my drawer…. but I think it is time to show it off….  I went to Michael’s and I got a fabric paint (white), I will be tinting it in the next posting….  after that I will be placing it on a shadow box.  Idea 2#  I have a friend, her name is Romana Kassam and she owns ” My Mehndi Story”, she asks you to write your story, so she knows what you are all about and base on that she creates piece of art for you.  It would be the story of Raffaele and I.  Idea 3#  Find a beautiful piece of art during my travels….


As well, I was able to pick up the finished sheers and curtain panels – they look great.

The other part of the project is the update of the tall cabinet…. I found the attached mouldings and I will be covering the doors with them.  I will alternate so each door will have a different moulding – this was Raffaele’s idea and I think it is going to look great once it is done and painted.



As I will be away for 4 months, I update the bedroom duvet cover with the spring/summer look….. Let me know what you think… This was a great purchase from Home Outfitters prior to closing.


I am a still searching for the 2 small dressers that will serve as night tables….but I think that will have to wait until I am back from Italy.  Hope to read your comments….


