I am thrilled with the idea of re-designing my bedroom….. As I mentioned on the previous article it has been 11 years!!!   I say re-designing as I will not be able to change the furniture (except for the night tables).  

My husband bought this bedroom set before we got married; it is solid wood, and “Canadian Made”.  He loves it and probably that is the reason why he bought every piece he could find in the store. (I.e. Bed, night tables, dresser and tall cabinet).  It is cherry wood (not my favourite wood colour).   I am more into walnut or old mission wood colours.

 As well, I am more of an eclectic person that likes to match and mix different styles, so the challenge is to make this work with the less few changes possible.

Here are 2 pictures of how my bedroom looks now:





A second look from a different angle... I used a portion of this picture on my old website

This is my bedroom - I took this picture years ago. HaHaHa - I just realized the teapot and the cup are the same design as my duvet cover

This is the plan:

  • Add a feature wall by adding mouldings where the bed will be.  My inspirations from Pinterest.  Materials around $75.00 at my near Home Depot.  An amazing friend that will do this for me…. No Charge …. priceless!!!!
    I took this idea from: jennasuedesign.blogspot.com

    source: jennasuedesign.blogspot.com

  • Change wall colour – at this point I am testing 2 colours (Pashmina AF100; Revere Pewter HC-172 Benjamin Moore).   Pashmina is what they call a “graybeige”, where Revere Pewter is gray, both will go well with the furniture and my duvet covers (I have a summer, fall and winter duvet….. get bored easily so I like to change them with the seasons). Sometimes only by changing the colour of a room you give new life to it.  As well, it is one of the less expensive changes you can do.  When decorating homes for clients, I always narrow down the selection of colours to two, then I go to the paint store and invest in 2 quart samples.  I placed both colours on the wall one close to the window and the other in another wall where there is not that much light.   I keep it for a couple of days….. and from there I make my decision

    Revere Pewter left side on your screen, Pashmina right side on your screen


  • Paint tall cabinet- Here is my inspiration picture, I bought this vase 5 years ago and it has been seating at the top of the cabinet. I knew I wanted to do this someday. As well, a picture of the tall cabinet.  The side panels will have the stripes and the front doors will have a diamond design painted.

This is the tall cabinet that I will paint

Idea for the sides of the tall cabinet

Idea for the sides of the tall cabinet. Not sure yet about the colours that I will use.











  • Bed stays the same
  • Dresser stays the same —  Actually a few months back I moved the dresser to the guest bedroom (it didn’t provide enough storage), and moved to our bedroom the dining room cabinet (as you can see I have more drawers)- it is still cherry wood (do you guys see the trend with my husband)
    This is the piece of furniture that I moved from the dining room

    This is the piece of furniture that I moved from the dining room

  • Change curtains – the ones on my bedroom are going to the guest bedroom – as there are no curtains there now. Great opportunity to get new ones for my bedroom. One of my vendors has readymade curtains so I will get the new ones from them.
  • Keep my reading chair
  • Keep the mirror table + the table lamp (right now these 2 pieces are at a client’s house (staging job).
  • Keep the wall lamps
  • Keep the big mirror that I bought in Peru. It was a labour of love bringing the frame here – I carried with me in the plane …..
    This is the mirror on top of the dresser we brought this from Peru

    This is the mirror on top of the dresser we brought this from Peru

    This is all for now – let me know what you think!  If you have any suggestions, they are welcome!!  Next week, Wall colour decision and wall paneling.