My Love for Cooking

My love for cooking started when seeing my mother cook for us as children. I could see the love in her eyes when making something for her family. As a young adult, and young wife I would exchange recipes with my mother-in-law and of course my mom. I would say that “Exchange recipes” is a stretch as I was the one asking for their recipes. My love for cooking started with the models that I had. I love cooking for family and friends – in many ways that is how I show my love for them –

Now I still love to cook but I try finding recipes that are easy to make and reserve the not so easy ones for special occasions. As well, I am trying to prepare more vegetarian dishes during the week, don’t take me wrong I love a great steak or a juicy burger, but for the health of my family and the environment, I am trying to reduce the meat consumption.

Browsing Pinterest I came up with this recipe from ” The Dinner Mom” I loved the fact that there were only 5 ingredients and it wouldn’t take me more than 1/2 hour to make.

I prepared a beautiful salad with lettuce, cucumber, tomatoe, shredded carrots, shredded broccoli, and olive oil, and balsamic vinaigrette to go with these patties. My boys (Husband and Son), loved it.

This recipe will become a staple, next time I made it I’ll try to bake them instead of frying them.

Until next time,
